The Global Political Theory Project arose from a desire to broaden the
teaching of political theory, and with the recognition that instructors who
wish to include thinkers and texts from outside the western canon often
wonder where to start, given that most graduate training in political
theory focuses, often exclusively, on western texts and thinkers. Our
website thus seeks to introduce readers to a broader range of political
thinkers, ideas, and movements from beyond the western tradition of
political thought with the goal of helping those seeking to expand their
political theory teaching, or just learn more about less frequently studied
traditions of political thought.
With this aim in mind, our website offers short blog posts on texts and
thinkers outside the traditional western canon, along with some
suggestions for further reading. Posts include tags by regions and key
concepts, facilitating searches for those interested in specific traditions
or ideas. In the future, we also hope to offer more structured reading
lists and sample syllabi as additional resources.